The best way to jugde a person is to see how he/she deals with somebody he/she isn't emotionally attached to.

Happy go Lucky?

You are never alone, Allah is there with you.

Be careful with what you say. There is always a good way of expressing bad news. Wounds will heal but harsh words remain unforgotton.

Sometimes the answer to our prayers is a No, Allah has something better in store for us then what we have asked for. (Efforts and prayers go hand in hand though)

chotha kharboza baray kharbozay say rung laita hai jee
"I have realized that the lonlier u feel, lonelier the world makes u feel"
u let the world make u feel lonely..it's all a matter of your own perception
u r right Syra, it's all about perception and that's what I meant by emphasizing upon this quote, that when u feel lonely inside, u feel as world has left u alone.But actually People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
acha theek :)
As Muslims, we should bear in mind that Allah is with us and a mere thought away, a prayer away, He really is listening to us all the time :)
and we should be grateful to God for our family and friends with whom we can share our joys and sorrows.
I agree... and we should know that its not talking to someone, its knowing that someone is there you can talk to that really matters. So you should know, that although you cannot directly, tangibly converse with Allah, your faith in Him is what heals your soul of the scars it bears!
i think this is the best post of this week.....!!!
sooo true....
The last pic child looks so kewl :P
he\she looks like a kid who was supposed to have a smile on his\her face and a toy in his\her hand
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