I extend a special thanks to Sak, Isbah, Monay, Teeba, Khany and Moi for their enthusiastic participation. Thanks to all you readers for generating healthy discussions by sharing your thoughts on the blog posts.
Hopefully, SYRA STAR will keep you engaged for another year. :) Insha'Allah. Any feedbacks, complaint, suggestions to improve the blog are most and always welcome.
To read the comments I enjoyed the most, Click Here.
I have a special title to give away :). Khany has been a keen blog reader since the early days. His diversified, deep, articulate and thought provoking comments all round the year earn him the STAR OF THE YEAR title :)
And let's celebrate the anniversary with a poem from our favorite commentator, Khany himself!
Jo na jannay, beyshak na mannay
Jo pehchannay woh batlaye kyon?
Hum ney chaaha iss shiddat sey
Moutti ko seep dil sey lagaai yoon
Iss dard sey aashnaa hum na thay
Yeh dil ka roag lagaain kyon?
Dil na manna iss mantiq ko
Abb karray hai hai kyon!
Yaser tum ko kia millay ga
Chhor dou abb yeh dua-e-junoon
Check out the humanistic car! It's fab! Imagine going suit shopping for your car =)