Wednesday, 5 September 2007


This post is dedicated to my mom. Every second morning, while i am getting ready for work my mom calls out "Syreeeeeeee, for once wear a lipstick"...i answer back saying.."mama jee, i am wearing a smile :)"

"People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile". ~Lee Mildon

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." ~Phyllis Diller

"A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks." ~Charles Gordy

"Everyone smiles in the same language." ~Author Unknown

"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." ~Mother Teresa

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword." ~Charles Reade

"Keep smiling - it makes people wonder what you've been up to." ~Author Unknown

"You're never fully dressed without a smile." ~Martin Charnin

"All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile." ~Chris Hart

"Peace begins with a smile." ~Mother Teresa


Ethereal said...

I was at the UK embassy for interview and before leaving the guy there gave me such a smile which only left unpleasant feelings. Before that I didn't believe there could be such a thing as an 'Artificial Smile'.

Sameer said...

Now this is my kinda topic :) ... keep smiling everyone!! Brings out the most beautiful of u

isaleem said...

what about laughing.
i am always laughing as if i was retard.
What is this in this photo ?
is it a potato?

isaleem said...

Yes most of the times i see a smile, it is an artificial one, but once i get to see a natural smile, thats one of the most pleasant feeling that one can have.

Syra said...

aoa all
have u ever seen a baby smile in his\her sleep...angel smile :)
it's beautiful
articial laughs are unpleasant (N)

in the pic: bluish carpet, white net table cover, a reddish register with blue border,syrastars hand holding a pakora smiley


isaleem said...

yeh kaisa pakora hai? :)

Syra said...

not the traditional pakora..
it's called smiley,it's alo made,comes frozen in a packet, available in best price-super mkt, and 7th avenue-jinnah mkt and perhaps other shops too..served best crisp with tomato ketchup

isaleem said...

ok agreed but pakora should look like a pakora no?
and pakora in itself is a shape so you can not define the shape of pakora.

Syra said...

:) i didn't know pakora is a shape :) thanks 4 correcting me.

Sameer said...

I didn't know pakoras had definitive shapes :P

isaleem said...

yes this is what am implying to say that. Pakora has no shape but in itself pokora is a shape.
I am thinking about writing a research paper on shape of pakora.

khany said...

did you edit this post syra? you took out the part that made me smile..

Syra said...

here u go, i put it back
cheers :)