Thursday, 27 September 2007

How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

This is so hilarious and it will boggle your mind.And, you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you can't!!!

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction!!!

I told you so... And there is nothing you can do about it.


teeB@ said... was difficult oder way round but if u write 6 in clockwise way then it can be written :D

Anonymous said...

Oh how did u knew about my foot X-(


Sameer said...

I make ppl do this ... Point ur index fingers to each other and
make clockwise circles with ur one hand and anti-clockwise with the other one :)
ye bhi nahi hota :D

teeB@ said...

i can do it sameer hahahahaaaa.... i can do everything.... :D

Sameer said...

Now this I gotta see :D ... send me a video :P

Ethereal said...

On a serious note, there is more to handedness than meets the eye (borrowed this line from Transformers). In high school I got to know from my parents that handedness is a _very_ important characteristic of medicines/drugs/chemical compounds. The way atoms and molecules are arranged in a particular compound. And it originates from the sub-atomic particles we are so (and not-so) familiar with.

Ever wonder how two electrons with same quantum numbers coexist in hydrogen? Opposite spin they tell you but that is just jargon for "because they're left and right handed". I'd love to bring in more chemistry and particles but that would bore everyone... except for well, Saira of course :) but I would recommend reading some of this [1].

Talking of medicines (and grossly oversimplifying), 'left and right handed' varieties of some medicines have been discovered. Same elements, same bonding sequence and same chemical composition but with opposite spinning constituent molecules/structures. While one type of medicine can be harmless and extensively employed for common medicinal treatments the other can have horrendous side-effects. Take a 'wrong-handed' medicine and you're dead or become a Superman (WHOAAA!) ;)


Ethereal said...

PS: Handedness is not the same as matter/anti-matter.
PPS: And I always wanted to be left-handed *sigh*

Syra said...

Ethereal,thats's interesting and informative. Thanks.
Being left-handed is somewhat cool

Ethereal said...

Yes, it definitely is.

Ethereal said...

"Fert's and Gruenberg's technology has dramatically increased the storage density of hard drives, making it possible, for example, to watch a movie on an iPod. The novelty of the technique is that it uses the spin of an electron, rather than its charge, as a variable..."

Spin of electrons put to some good use. Read all about it here[1].


Syra said...

interesting to know.