Several industrial guru's of the CS world were invited to judge a Business Plan Competition held at my university:FAST-NU early last year.Each one of them was requested to speak some words of advice for the youth.While most talked about the CS industry and springing opportunities for the fresh CS graduates, one of them spoke about an ancient tree that beautifully stands next to the drive way in our university. He called it the 'TREE OF EDUCATION'. I can't recall what more he said, or who he was, but I mould the whole concept and say that each educational institute is itself a tree of education.
The students are the fruit of the tree of education.The branches keep extending as each student graduates and continues to seek knowledge as he moves on with life. The branches also grow as the institute expands, say from a school to a college to a university, or opens up another branch. The books and the professors are the chlorophyll and glucose required for nurturing good growth of fruit and most importantly, God's blessing serve as the eternal sunshine.
ya ya ya
I know that tree . I used to to smoke in the shade of that tree whenever I went to FAST, :).
i saw that tree of education today as well. But there was no sign of Eduction near the Education tree.
lolz..what made you visit fast?
to collect someone's degree and you know who that someone is.
Was the picture taken in early Fall-05?
it was taken in early 2006 by Miss Sana Sohail
Ehh right. Thanks.
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