Sunday 29 March 2009

Music and Memories

Have you ever formed associations of music with memories.? Like a song reminds me of my friend because she sings it to me and similarly a song can remind you of the happy time when all friends were together, sang and listened to it repeatedly on a school trip? Or a song that used to play on the car's radio while you ride to school daily? Or a song that reminds you of someone who said something similar to you? All such songs have become special to me because of it reminds me of special people or hearty occasions. A recent study shows the memories and emotions that people associate with familiar songs are a part of the brain where the wiring for memories and thoughts about music appears to be linked.

"What seems to happen is that a piece of familiar music serves as a soundtrack for a mental movie that starts playing in our head. It calls back memories of a particular person or place, and you might all of a sudden see that person's face in your mind's eye," study author Petr Janata, associate professor of psychology at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis, said in a news release issued by the school. "Now we can see the association between those two things -- the music and the memories." Read On

Source: Health Day

This also reminds me how much I don't like the ring tone that's plays when the driver is here to pick me up for work in the morning. Some may feel this way about their alarm tones.


Saira Andleeb said...

Tell me about it!
Same goes for perfumes and scents etc.

khany said...

i believe the general phenomenon is known is synaesthesia.

people who are specially prone to synaesthesia can associate sound with color and shapes with tastes etc.!

i watched a very interesting video that talk about such associations towards the end. a journey to the center of the mind.

teeB@ said...

I guess true in a way that i get irritated with any kind of music which is played while driving or traveling, and especially when it is loud...
++ when the van driver puts it On, early in the morning...

-will kiLL him someday-

Farhan Hafeez said...

This definitely happens :) ... different songs, different ppl :) ...

Saira Andleeb said...

@Khany: Watched the video today... and since i know im highly synaesthetic that means i have this particular gene all over my brain which is constantly creating phantoms for me! :S :P

Also since all these associations are actually phantoms living inside of us,
i was wondering how could one get rid of a phantom beloved. Im referring to this mental state when we fall in love with this false persona of someone in our heads, associated with her face and she turns out to be totally different in real, probably totally unattractive! And still we fail to get rid of those feelings for that phantom beloved, associated with the body of someone else!
Like that phantom limp your brain keeps telling you that the beloved is there and every time you're hit by reality and you dont find the phantom to be the same as the real person/limp, you experience tremendous pain!
